As part of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Centenary Celebrations, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Sarangpur, organized an Akshar-Purushottam Siddhant Karika Mukhpath Mahotsav. Around 100 students studying in various courses at BAPS Swaminarayan Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, as well as those affiliated to the Mahavidyalaya through online courses or external studies through Shree Somnath Sanskrit University, enthusiastically participated.

Akshar-Purushottam Darshan Mukhpath Mahotsav
The Swaminarayan Siddhanta Karika is an extract from the Akshar-Purushottam Darshan, which reveals the teachings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. The students worked hard to memorize its 565 Sanskrit verses (karikas). The Mahotsav began on the afternoon of 4 August in Nenpur, where they were assessed through written and oral examinations.
That evening the students presented a novel Sanskrit play called ‘Pavani’, similar to the famous Sanskrit play ‘Pala’ of East India.
On the morning of 5 August the students participated in samuh puja and chorus singing of the Karika and Satsang Diksha. Thereafter, the students received experienced guidance from Shrutiprakashdas Swami, Bhadreshdas Swami and Atmatruptdas Swami.
Overall, 11 male students successfully memorized all 565 karikas and received the title of ‘Karikajayi’ and 12 female students received the corresponding title of ‘Karikajayini’.
In the afternoon, a special assembly was also held at BAPS Mandir, Ahmedabad, in the presence of Ishwarcharandas Swami, Vivekasagardas Swami and Atmaswarupdas Swami, in which students presented their mukhpath and received their awards.
A separate assembly was also held for the female students to present their efforts in memorizing the karikas and receive their awards.
The highlight of the Mukhpath Mahotsav was the assembly in the presence of His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. Swamishri was delighted to hear the recitations and the stories of the sincere efforts of all to prepare. Swamishri also tested the students and certified their success by saying, “All of you immersed yourself [in this mukhpath] for Rajipo… Rajipo has worked. Those who understood Rajipo were successful.
On the morning of 6 August, students recited selected Sanskrit karikas and their Gujarati translations during Swamishri’s puja.