About the Course

Satsang-Diksha is a revered and profound spiritual text. Authored by Pragaṭa Brahmasvarūpa Mahant Swami Maharaj, it expounds upon the teachings of Bhagavān Swaminarayan and serves as a guide to liberation. Satsang-Diksha is a self-contained chapter of the “Akṣhara-Puruṣhottama Saṃhitā”, a comprehensive treatise on ethics, metaphysics, and religion. The text has been rendered into Sanskrit verses by Mahāmahopādhyāya Bhadreshdas Swami. This course seeks to understand the significance of Satsang-Diksha and its overarching principles of ājñā and upāsanā. It will progressively analyze and interpret each verse allowing students to reflect upon its insightful revelations.

Inaugurated as part of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Centenary Celebrations, this contemporary scripture provides insightful solutions to everyday problems. Satsang-Diksha contains the essence of Vedic philosophical principles and the bhakti tradition in 315 concise verses.  Due to its universal appeal, it has been celebrated as a guide to social harmony. Its teachings in moral behavior, social dealings, and spiritual knowledge are followed by countless spiritual seekers today.

Learn with Experts

Guidance from senior scholars

Learn Anytime

100% Online

Weekly Effort

3-4 hours per week

12 Months to Complete

Course split over 4 semesters

About the Course

Satsang-Diksha is a revered and profound spiritual text. Authored by Pragaṭa Brahmasvarūpa Mahant Swami Maharaj, it expounds upon the teachings of Bhagavān Swaminarayan and serves as a guide to liberation. Satsang-Diksha is a self-contained chapter of the “Akṣhara-Puruṣhottama Saṃhitā”, a comprehensive treatise on ethics, metaphysics, and religion. The text has been rendered into Sanskrit verses by Mahāmahopādhyāya Bhadreshdas Swami. This course seeks to understand the significance of Satsang-Diksha and its overarching principles of ājñā and upāsanā. It will progressively analyze and interpret each verse allowing students to reflect upon its insightful revelations.

Inaugurated as part of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s Centenary Celebrations, this contemporary scripture provides insightful solutions to everyday problems. Satsang-Diksha contains the essence of Vedic philosophical principles and the bhakti tradition in 315 concise verses.  Due to its universal appeal, it has been celebrated as a guide to social harmony. Its teachings in moral behavior, social dealings, and spiritual knowledge are followed by countless spiritual seekers today.

Learn with Experts

Guidance from senior scholars

Learn Anytime

100% Online

Weekly Effort

3-4 hours per week

12 Months to Complete

Course split over 4 semesters

By the end of this course, you will…

Understand the Akṣara-Puruṣottama Darśana’s core principles and practices

Learn verses of Satsang-Diksha using the lens of the Vacanāmṛta, Svāmīnī Vāto, and revelations by the Guṇātīta Guru Paraṃparā

Analyze contemporary ethical and social principles based on the teachings of Satsang-Diksha.

Re-examine critical values and principles based on your study of the text. 

Course Details

Study Material

Video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, assessments, and reading assignments will be provided throughout the course.


Every week, two lectures and associated readings will be uploaded for the student to access at their convenience. All course content will remain accessible to students for the duration of the course. The course will span over 1 year.


Class Instruction Videos: Gujarati
Class Materials and Examinations: English, Hindi, Gujarati
Important: Please enroll in an appropriate language course to gain access to language-specific course material and examinations.


Students will be regularly tested on coursework through multiple-choice quizzes and assignments. Four semester exams will take place throughout the course.


Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate from the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute.

Course Prerequisites

Students are required to be at least 18 years of age.

Course Details

Study Material

Video lectures, PowerPoint presentations, assessments, and reading assignments will be provided throughout the course.


Every week, two lectures and associated readings will be uploaded for the student to access at their convenience. All course content will remain accessible to students for the duration of the course. The course will span over 1 year.


Class Instruction Videos: Gujarati
Class Materials and Examinations: English, Hindi, Gujarati
Important: Please enroll in appropriate language course to gain access to language-specific course material and examinations.


Students will be regularly tested on coursework through multiple-choice quizzes and assignments. Four semester exams will take place throughout the course.


Upon successful completion, students will receive a certificate from the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute.

Course Prerequisites

Students are required to be at least 18 years of age.

Satsang-Diksha Adhyayan

सत्संगदीक्षा अध्ययन

સત્સંગદીક્ષા અધ્યયન

Video lectures in all three classes will only be in Gujarati.
Please enroll in the appropriate language course to gain access
to selected language-specific course material and examinations.

Enrollment for this course is closed until the start of the next academic term.
